CI, A Small Design Group With Big Ideas
CI is a non-traditional boutique architectural and planning firm. The best way to describe CI is that they never follow a straight line. CI explores different paths, but always get to their design destination successfully.
Medardo T. Cadiz, AIA
Principal, CI Design LLC USA
What is the Big Picture? This is the critical question that leads to a meaningful exchange of ideas. No matter the size of the project, confining creative thinking to like-minded colleagues is not apt to creating new things. I like to hear from everyone with big and small diverse ideas as these create the spark needed for a bold vision. My job is to lead the team to filter the ideas into one great vision. The environment for divergent ideas have become the core of our design process and challenge us to come up with creative, smart and innovative solutions always.
Ma. Cecilia C. Vega, PIA, UAP, ICSC, ULI
Architect Consultant
“Regardless of the project location, scale or size, I am driven and inspired by the dynamic exchange and interaction with the client and the development team. The client is a partner in the design process. This whole process and experience is the true measure of success in our work and, ultimately, the uniqueness of our project design.”
Mineleo T. Cadiz, SEGD
Environmental Graphics Consultant
“To succeed with the first impression is one thing; to create a lasting impression is the bigger challenge. A comprehensive branding, environmental graphic design and wayfinding solution help tell the story, complete the picture, and create unforgettable experiences.”
Stephanie T. Mendiola
Architect Consultant
“I travel and admire outstanding architecture of places and buildings. This experience enriches me with new ideas to go beyond emulating, and striving to bring something new to the users – experiential and visual.”
Alexandra Cadiz
Architect Consultant
"I approach every project with the core belief that design is a tool for creating spaces that not only function, but act as an instrument for human connection. Spaces that have the power to bring people together and facilitate lasting, memorable experiences can positively shape the way we perceive our surroundings, ourselves and each other."